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Your Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to reserve a place, or can I just turn up?


Please book in advance so that we know that you’re coming. Here are a few reasons why…

  1. Most of our teachers are working mums so we need to know with plenty of notice if we’re teaching so childcare is covered

  2. We need to know who’s in attendance for our insurance purposes

  3. If class numbers are low, (2 or less) we may cancel. If you have booked in advance, we can contact you and let you know, please ensure you leave your phone number & email address on the booking.


It’s my first time coming where do I park?


Please park in the car park at Walford Mill Postcode BH21 1NL 

From there walk down to the main road we are the last building on the left before you cross over the road opposite the BP Garage.


Car park details here:


What do I need to bring with me?


Please bring your own yoga mat if you have one. We have some spares, we also have yoga blocks, straps, bricks, bolsters and all other equipment you may need so just bring yourself and, an open heart and mind. You can bring a water bottle for the end of class but you shouldn’t need it throughout the practice (unless it’s a hot summer's day or you need to for medical reasons!)


Which class is the right class for me?

It really depends on what you’re coming to class for. All our classes and teachers offer options for beginners, improvers, and experienced students alike. We suggest you try a few options and find a day, time and teacher that suits you. It must work for you, so you are able to commit to regular practice.


What to do before class?

Before you come into the yoga room, please remove your shoes. The yoga room is a sacred space for cleansing the body, mind and heart. We don’t want to bring the dirt from outside in. It might be a good idea to have a wee too so you don’t need to disturb the flow of the class to go out. Please also ensure you complete a Health Questionnaire beforew you come for insurance purposes.


What can I expect in class?

When you come into the studio you will probably be invited to either sit or lie down. Please stop talking so you can start to quieten down and relax. The teacher may give a short talk or share some reading to set the tone of the class or give you something to contemplate while you’re practicing. The teacher may then invite you to do some chanting, (probably the sacred sound of Om) its up to you if you participate in this or not, there’s never any pressure to do something you don’t feel comfortable doing, but sometimes its good to challenge your comfort zone 😊

You will probably start will some warm-up practices to limber up the joints and warm the muscles. You may do a sequence called “Surya Namaskar, Sun Salutations” which also warms the body. You will then work through a series of postures decided by the teacher which will either focus on a specific body part (e.g. hips or shoulder etc) or have a specific energetic outcome (e.g. relaxing, energising etc). There may be some breathing practices or meditation practices to do in the class too and then at the end of the class you will be asked to lie down and close your eyes for a final relaxation exercise. If you don’t feel comfortable closing your eyes, to begin with, take some full deep breaths and it may help you relax enough to gently close your eyes. 


Can I eat before yoga?

The yogis recommend eating at least 2 hours before practice, so your meal has time to start digesting and you don’t have a full stomach. If you need to eat for medical reasons something small and light.


How often do I need to come?

It really depends on how much time you can dedicate to your practice. You will see the benefits by just coming to one class a week, but as with anything the more your practice the quicker you will see results. 


Do I need previous experience?

No, not at all. All our teachers and classes can be modified & adapted for beginners, improvers, and experienced practitioners alike. The only class where some previous experience is preferred is the Jivamukti Open class, where the class is quite a fast past and flowing with little “How to”. It is recommended to attend one of Leanne’s classes before attending a Jivamukti Open.


What do I wear?

Leggings and a top are great for ladies in most classes. Baggy trousers and tops can get in the way, ultimately you need to be comfortable. Joggers or shorts for gents and a t-shirt. And always bring extra layers for warm-up and relaxation, in which case a sweatshirt, hoody or jumper are fine. 


Do I need to practice between classes?

You can if you like, as above, the more you practice the quicker the benefits are experienced. What we don’t’ want you to do is injure yourself at home though, so please only practice what feels familiar and safe. What can be helpful is to have a 1-2-1 with your favourite teacher so you can come up with some practices together to work on at home. That way you have a practice specifically for your needs. 


What about free online yoga class recordings?

While these can be useful to practice along with at home there is a lot to be said for practicing in person with a teacher. When you come to the studio the teacher can see your body and gauge the energy of the class and then adjust accordingly. They can give verbal and hands-on assists to guide you into alignment if needed. We recommend attending live classes first before practicing virtually. We hope to be offering some free recordings in due course.


What about live zoom classes?

Live zoom classes have been brilliant through the pandemic and continue to serve students well as a way of being in the class without having to travel. They also give you the bonus of being able to practice at home in your pyjamas if you wish! The only downfall of live zoom classes is that the teacher can’t see you so well on the screen so it's more difficult for them to assist your alignment and keep you safe during practice etc. Many people have said they don’t work as hard when they are practicing at home and find it more distracting. You can overcome this by lighting some of your own candles, maybe some incense or aromatherapy and having a picture of someone/something that inspires you nearby. Doing this helps provide a calming and conducive environment for your practice.


I’ve got an injury/illness, can I come to class?

It really depends on the nature of the injury. Yoga can be brilliant for injury rehabilitation. If the injury is new, it's often best to rest for a week or more depending on the severity, e.g., if you’ve had surgery, your doctor will have told you how long to rest. There is the possibility that yoga can exacerbate an injury if not carefully considered, so it can be worth having a 1-2-1 with your favourite teacher to work on specific things to aid your rehabilitation. The best thing to do is first consult your doctor and then your teacher to come up with a plan of action. 


If in the extremely rare case you get injured during class, please inform your teacher immediately. 

Please tell your teacher at the beginning of class if you have a new injury or ailment and ensure you update your health questionnaire. Don’t assume that we remember everyone’s injuries and ailments, it's your responsibility to remind us.

Also, remember we are yoga teachers & not doctors. We will do our best to look after your bodies and minds, we’re pretty good at that but we cannot make any medical diagnosis or make give specific medical advice so please don’t ask. 


I’m pregnant, can I come to class?

From 14 weeks gestation onwards, you are welcome in class. If you have not practiced yoga before we recommend attending a pregnancy-specific class. If you already have a regular practice, you are welcome to regular class but please be prepared to modify your practice accordingly. Some teachers may be more/less confident teaching you if you are pregnant, if in doubt, please ask.

You must tell your teacher if you are pregnant. 


Will the teacher do hands-on assists?

Only with your consent. We have a deck of cards that the teacher should give you one of at the beginning of class. It's not for card tricks but for you to let us know that you're happy for your teacher to work, hands-on with you. It's simple, you turn the card face up if you’re happy to be assisted or face down if you don’t want to be assisted. You can change your mind at any point in the class and either turn it up or down as you feel right. The card should be on the floor next to your mat so the teacher can clearly see your choice and respect that.

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